Projects. The aim of the Living Human Heritage Project is to reconnect modern humans in an inspiring way to the living spirit of our human heritage.
The author ponders carefully over each motif and symbol of the fairy tales. She thereby focuses on the archetypal basis of the psyche, connecting it to examples ...
Amduat «What is in the Netherworld» was used in Ancient Egypt as a generic name for descriptions of the netherworld, but in modern Egyptology is reserved for ...
The psychic transformation achieved by the work leads to the stone, a symbol for the solidified divine kernel of an individual. This center also has a ...
You might be wondering how it is possible to write an entire book on fish from a psychological standpoint. Apart from the biological creatures which are, in ...
Das Buch wird eingeführt durch die Analyse der Traumsammlung von Charlotte Berath aus den Jahren 1933-39 in Deutschland, welche sie später im Buch Das dritte ...
Darauf dargestellt ist Titelseite des Buches mit der Darstellung von Tutanchamuns vergoldetem Thron. von Theodor Abt Living Human Heritage Publications, Zurich ...
Book of the Explanation of the Symbols Kitab Hall ar-Rumuz. Psychological Commentary by Marie-Louise von Franz. Edited by Theodor Abt.
This book is intended as a guide for visitors to the facsimile of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Part I begins with an overview of what we owe to the Pharaonic ...
von Sabine Abt. Eine Geschichte mit Scherenschnitten der Autorin. ISBN 13: 978-3-9524468-6-7. Inhalt Der dreizehnjährige Andreas wird eines Nachts von einem ...